《SMITE》:罗马竞技模式即将在下个补丁上线 曝光Anubis介绍视频

2012-11-02 3178

Hi-Rez Studios宣布一个新的游戏模式将会在《SMITE》的下个补丁中与大家见面,叫做“竞技”("Arena")。在新的罗马竞技场主题地图中,玩家们将会面对团队的死亡之赛,团队打倒对手来获得点,第一支达到500点的队伍为获胜者。

“《SMITE》完全是一个格斗游戏,”Hi-Rez Studios的首席营运官Todd Harris说道,“所以我们想要做一个附加的游戏模式让玩家来加入动作模式,甚至想尽快做到。我们的级别设计者主动在他自己的业余时间来完成了这个额外的罗马竞技地图理念。我们都很喜欢玩,团队已经加班加点来尽快完成这个模式,同时我们也希望在测试版中能够收集大家的反馈。”

另外,《SMITE》团队还发布了第二支 "Know Your God"系列视频,这次我们来关注一下Anubis,来看看吧!专业玩家网提供专业的游戏比价器向广大游戏工作室提供欧美游戏CDK,出货价格查询,收货商查询,骗子查询,寄售交易.

Hi-Rez Studios has announced that a new game play mode will be coming to SMITE with the next patch. Called "Arena", players will face off in a team death match on a new Colosseum-themed map. Teams gain points for killing opponents and the first team to deduct 500 points from the other is declared the winner.

"SMITE is all about action combat," says Hi-Rez Studios Chief Operating Officer Todd Harris. "So we wanted an additional game type that allows players to get into the action even faster. One of our level designers took the initiative to put together this more open Colosseum map concept on his own time. We've enjoyed playing it so much that the team has worked overtime to get the new mode quickly into the hands of our Beta community and we look forward to their feedback"

In addition, the SMITE team has released the second "Know Your God" video, this time focusing on Anubis.

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