《自由国度》:神秘工具亮相 玩家可制造他们想要的任何物品

2012-11-05 3469

在最近的索尼直播活动中,我们有机会从《自由国度》(《Free Realms》)的制作商Clint Worley那里了解了团队最近的更新内容。一起来看看,你可以和我们分享你的意见。



During SOE Live recently, we had the opportunity to catch up to Free Realms Producer Clint Worley to learn more about what the team has been up to lately. See what we discovered before leaving your thoughts in the comments.
As was the common theme during the entire weekend for all of Sony’s games, Worley is repeating that Free Realms players will be given the “tools to do what they want in a way that makes it easier as opposed to us saying that this is the way to do it.”

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