《指环王OL》:Mac测试客户端开放 欧美玩家可以从官网下载

2012-11-05 5294

Turbine宣布《指环王OL》(《Lord of the Rings Online》)的Mac测试客户端已经正式发布。欧洲和北美玩家现在可以从《指环王OL》官网上下载最新的Mac客户端。

“我们真的很激动能开放《指环王》的Mac客户端,”《指环王OL》的监制人 Kate Paiz说。“我们发布了我们至今为止的最大的更新版本,假如玩家能够第一时间加入我们的测试,我们将会很高兴!期待这次测试成功!”


Turbine has announced that the beta client for Mac users has been released for Lord of the Rings Online: Riders of Rohan. Players in the EU and in NA can download the new Mac client directly from the LOTRO site.
“We are really excited to open up the world of Middle-earth to Mac,” said Kate Paiz, Executive Producer of The Lord of the Rings Online.  “We’ve just launched our biggest expansion yet and we’re happy to welcome gamers to play the game natively on Mac OS X for the first time ever.”

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