《僵尸战争》:人气爆棚 被玩家点评“非常值得期待游戏”

2012-11-06 4360

现在,游戏《僵尸战争》(《The War Z》)已经上线,我们就来和我们的观众一起关注一下,假如你正在找一个僵尸枪手的启示录,快来围观吧!请继续阅读。


Hammerpoint Interactive的《僵尸战争》目的是要打造一款和《武装突袭2》(《ARMA II》)和《DayZ》相似的模式模块的付费僵尸生存类的MMO。只有一点,在《僵尸战争》里的死亡并不是永久的,除非你想让它这么做。这个游戏也有私服可以选择,玩家可以创建“Stronghold”地图来增加游戏的内容。这里有家族、任务成长,甚至任务,玩家可以创建比之前版本的《僵尸战争》MMORPG元素更加丰富的东西。现在我已经参加Alpha 测试一段时间了,虽然它并没有一些什么公开分享,也没有什么漏洞补丁发布,我发现我已经很经常在玩这个游戏了。那代表着什么?好吧,我想说这个游戏的核心是建立在僵尸生存上的,僵尸和其他玩家都是敌人。过去几周游戏的红火度大大提高,游戏又宣布了几项新特性,但是还没有发布。《僵尸战争》真的是一款非常值得期待的游戏!最新最全的 国外游戏下载相关资讯、经验、信息,运营状况, 最新客户端下载尽在专业玩家网


Now that the wraps are off The War Z, we've got a full written preview to share with our audience. If you're looking for an addictive post apocalyptic zombie shooter, look no further. Keep reading!
The War Z, from Hammerpoint Interactive, aims to give the world a Buy-to-Play zombie survival MMO in much the same way DayZ has as a mod for ARMA II.  Only, death in TWZ isn’t permanent unless you want it to be. There will also be private servers and player created “Stronghold” maps to add to the game’s content.  There will be clans, character progression, even missions, player created content and much more that bring The War Z closer to the MMORPG genre than its forebear.  I’ve been in the Alpha and now Beta for some time, and while it hasn’t been without its fair share of issues, crippling bugs, and just plain old goofy antics, I find myself logging into the game quite often. What does that mean? Well, I expect it means that the core principals the game is built on (survival in a world where zombies and players are all enemies) is a solid one. It’s improved quite a bit over the past few weeks, and while many features are still only promised and not included, The War Z is definitely a game to watch.

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