《无尽的任务2》:最新Ethernere Afterlife领域预告视频曝光

2012-11-08 2838

索尼在线娱乐(Sony Online Entertainment)和《无尽的任务2》(《EverQuest II》)开发团队发布了一个新的超酷的游戏日记视频。它详细展现了在即将发布的《永恒之链》(《Chains of Eternity》)更新中Ethernere Afterlife领域的情况。一起来了解一下这个新的《无尽的任务2》的游戏区吧!来看视频:及时的工作室库存系统,方便游戏工作室登记,让更多的收货商以最快的速度找到你。

Sony Online Entertainment and the EverQuest 2 development team have released a terrific new video diary that goes into the design detail for the Ethernere Afterlife Realms, part of the upcoming Chains of Eternity expansion set to release soon. Check it out for a behind the scenes look at one of the new EQ2 game zones. Enjoy!

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