《星战前夜OL》:12月4日发布战舰平衡调整 巡洋舰将分为两个大类

2012-11-08 3127

CCP的博客更新了消息称,《星战前夜OL》(《EVE Online》)战舰的平衡调整和再平衡选择将在12月4日发布。博客中透露了一些改变情况,也对玩家的期待做了一些介绍。我们也了解了一下巡洋舰即将发布的改变情况。



CCP's blog has been updated with the news that the ship balance changes and rebalancing alterations will be released into EVE Online on December 4th. The blog post goes into detail about the changes and what players can expect. The article also reveals that Battlecruisers will be undergoing some changes as well.
Yes comrades, battlecruisers are indeed next to get through the tiericide revolution. Let’s face it, they had it coming, as current tier 2 variations perform too well while tier1s are found wanting. With this in mind, the plan is to adjust total slot layout to 17 on all of them and split them into two categories depending on their expected role.

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