《神鬼之战》:《泰坦的愤怒》资料片火爆上线 更新会带给玩家极致体验

2012-11-09 3493

完美世界娱乐(Perfect World Entertainment)宣布说《神鬼之战》(《War of the Immortals》)最新资料片《泰坦的愤怒》(《Titan's Fury》)成功发布。这是Primordial Games介绍的主要内容之一,游戏中三个玩家一组,对付成群结队的怪兽,最终任务是拿到巨大的宝藏。


“《泰坦的愤怒》是游戏《神鬼之战》自从发布以来最大的更新,我们都等不及让我们的玩家来感受新内容的魅力了!”开发者Mark Hill说。“我们创建了一个庞大的游戏设置系统,玩家可以用它来实现更多的想法。无论你是一个老玩家还是一个新手,这个更新里的新游戏设置类型、游戏角色定制系统和boss都会给你们在《神鬼之战》中一个极致的体验!”网游工作室想要进行游戏交易,游戏出货请关注国内最安全的游戏交易平台--专业玩家网


Perfect World Entertainment has announced the successful deployment of the latest War of the Immortals expansion, Titan's Fury. One of the major features introduced is the Primordial Games where up to three players race one another through hordes of monsters to reach epic treasure.
"Titan's Fury is the largest addition to War of the Immortals since its release and we can't wait to let players explore the new content," said Producer Mark Hill.  "We're building on a great gameplay experiences by providing players with even more to do in this world. Whether you're a new player or veteran, this expansion's new gameplay types, customization and boss instances will give everyone a chance to push the limits on what they can do in War of the Immortals."

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