《巫师学院101》:Azteca上线 Morganthe诡计明朗化

2012-11-14 3993


“在Azteca里,《巫师学院101》将会面对各种各样的挑战,而且还会遭遇之前从未见过的结果。”KingsIsle Entertainment的代理董事和创意总监。“虽然我们一直都知道Morganthe都没打过什么好主意,这次在Azteca里,情况变得清晰起来。”专业玩家网-新一代游戏交易平台,游戏帐号交易,游戏代练交易,是最安全的游戏交易平台。


KingsIsle has announced that the new Wizard101 world of Azteca has officially been deployed to the game servers. The new world is the second to hit Wizard101 this year and brings a dinosaurs into the game.
“In Azteca, Wizards will face challenges and consequences on a scale they’ve never encountered before in Wizard101,” said Todd Coleman, vice president and creative director at KingsIsle Entertainment. “While we’ve always known that the archvillain Morganthe is up to no good—in Azteca the stakes become crystal clear.”

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