《完美世界国际版》:游戏发布《战争预警》更新预告 展现宏伟游戏画面

2012-11-15 3385

完美世界娱乐(Perfect World Entertainment)宣布旗下游戏《完美世界国际版》(《Perfect World International》)的更新《战争预警》(《Sirens of War》)已经正式发布。为了庆祝这个更新,完美世界娱乐制作了一个新的视频来展现《战争预警》的游戏画面,不要错过哦!游戏工作室想要找到VPN代理及免费vpn代理可关注值得大家信赖的专业玩家网相关版块

Perfect World Entertainment has announced that the latest content update to Perfect World International, Sirens of War, has been released. To celebrate the release, PWE has sent out a new video showing in-game footage from Sirens of War. Enjoy!

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