《太空小英雄》:游戏发布已吸引百万玩家注册 庆贺视频曝光

2012-11-19 3607

Bubblegum Interactive游戏《太空小英雄》(《Space Heroes Universe》)自发布以来已经吸引超过一百万玩家注册,为了庆祝这个里程碑事件,11月末玩家将可以看到一个限量版的航天服和一个“百万英雄”(“million heroes”)徽章,记得来哦!

“我们很高兴能在这么短的时间里获得这个成绩。有这么多的玩家支持我们,探索游戏,Shadowbot和他的团队将会更加努力设计,争取带来更精彩的游戏。”Bubble Gum Interactive的CEO Phil Mason说,“在这个收获的季节真是很激动能看到大家这么支持我们,来年我们将会继续给游戏迷们带来更多惊喜的更新,包括新的行星探险、手机游戏和卡通等等。”

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Bubblegum Interactive has a lot to celebrate by blasting past the one million registered user mark for its inaugural title Space Heroes Universe. To celebrate the milestone, Space Heroes fans are being gifted with a limited edition Space Suit and a “million heroes” badge through the end of November.
“We’re over the moon to have achieved this significant milestone in such a short time. With so many Space Heroes out exploring, Shadowbot and his minions better beware!” Said Phil Mason, CEO Bubble Gum Interactive “It’s great to see community growth like this ahead of the Festive Season, and we’ve got some amazing updates and features in store for our fans heading into the new year, including new planets to explore, mobile games and cartoons!”

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