
2012-11-20 2814

《上古卷轴OL》(《The Elder Scrolls Online》)的ZeniMax最近将游戏发展得更加符合它“上古卷轴”的主题了。这听起来可能有些奇怪,但是这对那些喜爱这个系列游戏的玩家来说是很有意义的。我们来看看都有哪些评论,你也可以和我们分享你的感受。


“在《上古卷轴5:天际》(《The Elder Scrolls Online :Skyrim》)地区的“龙的神庙”(“Dragon Shrines”)相关提问中有一件事很是激动人心,就是游戏会更有自己‘上古卷轴’的特点,而并非越来越像其他MMO。这将会让喜爱它的玩家更加享受游戏世界里的时间。如果我在《天际》(《Skyrim》)玩的话,第一件事就是去寻找“龙的神庙”。或者去探寻像“裂谷城”(“Riften”)一样的地方。这些地方都是很棒的,所以在那里探险是一件很让人激动的事。事实上,制作团队正在努力从其他游戏中搜索有价值的素材,来使游戏更加的丰富。无论游戏怎样改变,它仍是一个史诗般的地方值得你去尝试探险!”在目前的网络环境下,VPN代理 孕育而生很好的解决了用户对网速以及无法登陆外服游戏这一难题


One of the things that seems to strike a chord in fans of The Elder Scrolls Online is the way that ZeniMax is making the game feel like an Elder Scrolls game. Sounds weird, but it makes sense to those who love the series. We have something to say about that and hope you'll join the conversation in the comments.

One of the things that is very exciting in the Q&A was the mention of Dragon Shrines in the Skyrim region. It is elements like this that will make the game feel very much like Elder Scrolls and not just another MMO. It will be these minor touches that really work the player into the game world. If I am traveling in Skyrim the first thing I want to do is go out and find the Dragon Shrines. Or possibly explore cities like Riften. These places stay with you as a gamer. So having them presented to you in a brand new game will be very exciting. The fact that the team is working heavily with other source materials from other games helps. However the real challenge is the re-delivery of these epic places.

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