《丝路传说OL》:“点燃丝绸之路”11月20日重磅发布 给玩家一个不一样的体验

2012-11-21 6471

《丝路传说OL》(《Silkroad Online》)的玩家知道这个消息后肯定会很激动,开发商宣布在11月后期将会发布“点燃丝绸之路”(“Ignite Silkroad”)更新。开发者们保证《丝路传说OL》将会带给新老玩家与众不同的感觉!来关注一下。




Silkroad Online players have a lot of exciting changes in store beginning with the just-announced "Ignite Silkroad" expansion that will launch later in November. Developers are promising that Silkroad will be something completely different both for new players and returning players.
Named "Ignite Silkroad", this enhancement will change the gameplay for both new and old players and is only the first of many new exciting changes to come. From system improvements, increase benefits and incredible events, players can expect a different experience when they jump back to the vast Silkroad universe; especially to those who have been away from the game for a while. "Ignite Silkroad"starts in just one week on November 20th.

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