
2012-11-24 3187



“免费玩的标题会给自己的游戏商城带来一个现金商城效益;我从来没有实现过这两个中的一个。无论现金商城是否是必要的,发行商都是要做的。这对我来说是一个激动人心的时刻,就像游戏《巫师之怒OL》(《Allods Online》)中现金商城。我相信更多人会喜欢这个游戏并肯定我们的!”


We continue our series of articles about RaiderZ that will culminate with our final and official MMORPG.com review. This week, we examine the cash shop and RaiderZ's end game. See what we have to say and then leave us your thoughts in the comments.
Free-to-play titles will always have a cash shop; I don't think I have ever come across one which does not. Whether the cash shop is imperative or not, is down to the publisher. A memorable moment, for me, where a cash shop was essential to progressing through the game was, Allods Online. A game which I'm sure many people will agree enraged a lot of us.

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