
2012-11-29 3535

MMORPG网和《科南时代》(《Age of Conan》)的开发团队将为我们带来一场特别的直播节目,这次节目将把目光集中在即将上线的“龙的脊柱”(“Dragon's Spine”)的系统的更新和改进上面,还将涉及游戏最初的制造系统的改进方面。整个团队还将会会回答来自听众的问题,请锁定今天6:00 pm EST/3:00 pm PST时段MMORPG的直播频道!专业玩家网为游戏工作室提供各类热门游戏点卡销售,充值等服务,应用尽有,放心选购。


MMORPG.com and the Age of Conan team have teamed up to bring our readers a special live event with a focus on the systems updates and revamps coming in the Dragon's Spine updates, primarily the crafting revamp. The team will also be answering questions from listeners so be sure to check it out TODAY at 6:00 pm EST/3:00 pm PST in the MMORPG.com Live Stream Channel!

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