
2012-11-29 3461

Gazillion Entertainment发布了一个新的开发者日记视频,讲述《惊奇英雄》(《Marvel Heroes》)游戏开发幕后故事。这次视频透露,玩家必须阻止Doom博士使用魔鬼的宇宙魔方。视频还介绍了《惊奇英雄》独家设计了超过100分钟的画面定格。这个Brian Michael Bendis和Gazillion的全明星开发团队介绍视频将会为我们揭开游戏神秘的面纱,另外,我们也有机会看见David Brevik为我们带来的讲解!很激动吧!一起欣赏:游戏工作室想要找到VPN代理及免费vpn代理可关注值得大家信赖的专业玩家网相关版块

Gazillion Entertainment has released a new video developer diary that lays out a behind the scenes look at the story in Marvel Heroes. According to the press release, "players must stop Doctor Doom from using the power of the Cosmic Cube for evil. Told through over 100 minutes of stop-motion comics designed exclusively for Marvel Heroes, this Developer Diary features Brian Michael Bendis alongside Gazillion’s all-star development team; including David Brevik.

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