游戏《博德之门》发布加强版 预告视频曝光

2012-11-29 2950

尽管不是MMO,但是《博德之门》(《Baldur's Gate》)依然受到了许多MMO迷的青睐。今天是游戏史上具有开创性的一天,在3 p.m. EST/Noon PST时刻我们将发布游戏的“加强版”。玩家们将可以以19.99美元的价格将《博德之门》加强版收入囊中,并可以通过谷歌游戏(Google Play)平台获取游戏更多的版本。


While not an MMO, Baldur's Gate holds a lot of fond memories for many MMO players. Today marks a seminal date in the game's history with the official launch of the 'Enhanced Edition' at 3 p.m. EST/Noon PST. Players will be able to grab BGEE for $19.99 and can play via Google Play with more platform editions to be added later.
Want to know what makes Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition special? Check out our PAX Preview!

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