《灭国战争》:游戏公测日期无限推迟 开发团队需进一步改进

2012-11-29 3405

《灭国战争》(《End of Nations》)的Facebook主页上更新了一则消息称即将上线的这款MMORTS公测将被无限推迟。开发者们需要在游戏进一步测试前做更多的改进修饰工作。我们来听听开发者们是怎么说的。


“最终,我们决定推迟游戏的公测以便来进一步观察调整。我们会尽快通知大家更新的时间。至于已经预订了《灭国战争》的玩家们稍后将会收到一封后续邮件。谢谢大家的建议和支持,真的非常感激!”专业玩家网是集各种热门游戏 外挂,游戏工作室外挂的专业站点。


The End of Nations Facebook page has been updated with a notice that the open beta for the upcoming MMORTS has been postponed indefinitely. Developers cite the need for "polish and improvement" before the game is ready for further and more expansive beta testing.
As a result, we have decided to postpone the Open Beta phase of testing until further notice. We will let you know as soon as we have an update. Those players who made an End of Nations purchase should expect to receive a follow-up email shortly. Thank you in advance for your continued input and support. It is greatly appreciated.

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