
2012-12-06 3505

据《灭国战争》(《End of Nations 》)的开发者Petroglyph的报告说,近日Las Vegas studio解雇了30名员工。随着这个事件,微博上有消息说这是某些内部人的权力使然。这次解雇事件继上周的游戏推迟发布之后向大家公布。专业玩家网为游戏工作室提供各类热门游戏点卡销售,充值等服务,应用尽有,放心选购。


End of Nations developer, Petroglyph, has reportedly laid off thirty workers from its Las Vegas studio. The layoffs have been rumored via Twitter and a report that Eurogamer had it on "good authority". The layoff reports come on the heels of last week's announcement that the open beta would be delayed indefinitely.

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