《坦克世界》:8.2更新今日上线 最新重型坦克发布 预告片曝光

2012-12-13 3248

Wargaming.net发布了一个《坦克世界》(《World of Tanks》)的预告视频来展现游戏8.2更新里一些即将上线的变化。这次新的更新将会在12月13日今日上线,请保持关注!

这次发布了5台最新美式机器和振动炮塔。高档车辆生产已经优化,比如英国的TOG II标准重型坦克、全副武装的AT-15A重型TD和法国FCM 50t准重型坦克,这些都将在更新与大家见面!一起来看视频:最新最全的国外游戏下载相关资讯、经验、信息,运营状况,最新客户端下载尽在专业玩家网

Wargaming.net has released a brand new World of Tanks teaser video to shine the spotlight on some of the upcoming changes headed into the game with v8.2. The new update is expected to be released worldwide on December 13th.
The release introduces players to five new US machines featuring autoloaders and oscillating turrets. The line of premium vehicles has been reinforced by the British TOG II prototype heavy tank, the heavily armed AT-15À heavy TD, and the French FCM 50t heavy tank with impressive speed characteristics.

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