《激战2》:游戏用户锐减 打响病毒保卫战

2012-12-13 2592

 ArenaNet的Mike Lewis在《激战2》(《Guild Wars 2》)的官网上更新了一篇新帖子,主要讲述了11月游戏病毒问题,超过34000个账户遭到了病毒攻击。



The Guild Wars 2 site has been updated with a new post from ArenaNet's Mike Lewis. In it, Lewis details the ongoing war against bots in the game including the news that in November alone, over 34,000 accounts were terminated for running bot programs.
Over time, we have heavily reinforced our initiatives to eliminate botting from Guild Wars 2. We have been seriously pursuing the botting issue since the launch of the game, and the results of our ongoing efforts are palpable.
In the month of November, we terminated over 34,000 accounts for operating bots in Guild Wars 2. Moreover, we have observed a serious decrease in the population of bots in the game – and so have you, our players. The number of bots reported every hour worldwide has dropped from more than 2,000 in October to a much healthier 20 as of this writing.

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