《变形金刚:宇宙》:游戏发布官方网站 招募测试玩家

2012-12-13 3958

《变形金刚:宇宙》(《Transformers Universe》)的官方网站已经发布,并宣布现在为即将开始测试招募玩家。首轮测试将在下年开始。


Tim Hodges,《变形金刚:宇宙》的王牌设计师说到:“我们很高兴可以在下年年初时开始游戏的测试,我们希望玩家可以享受游戏的过程。我们马上就要发布这款《变形金刚:宇宙》游戏了,所以请持续关注我们的动态,来我们的官网报名注册吧!”



The Transformers Universe official site has launched with the news that beta registrations are now being accepted. The first round of beta testing is expected to kick off after the first of the year.
Tim Hodges, Transformers Universe Brand Director commented “We are delighted to be entering the next phase of our launch plans for Transformers Universe and we hope that players enjoy using this new hub for all the latest Transformer Universe news and information. We’re getting closer to unleashing Transformers Universe into browsers so stay tuned for more information and be sure to visit the site and sign up for BETA today”

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