《口袋传奇》:游戏最新补丁带来海量更新元素 列表曝光

2012-12-14 3437

《口袋传奇》(《Pocket Legends》)更新了一个补丁,给手机MMO带来了一大推新的内容。最近的更新里包括了地下城的修改,一些boss格斗方面,还发布了一张新的PvP地图等等。一起来看看:




3、新的3v3夺旗PvP地图发布:“燃烧公寓”(“Burning Flats”)里的夺旗荣誉大战;






Pocket Legends has been updated with a huge patch bringing a host of new content into the mobile MMO. Included in the latest update are new dungeons, a brand new boss fight, a new PvP map and much more.
1、New Elite Bossfight -Battle a level 76 Red Dragon

2、New Dungeons - Including a heroic instance; the Dragonet of Fire Forest just got meaner in the "Forgotten Forest"

3、New 3 vs. 3 Capture the Flag PVP map - Fight for flags and glory in the Burning Flats

4、New Ranks - Two original options for all existing classes skills

5、New Items -Including exclusive vanity drops for previously existing characters

6、New Low Level Drops -Betterweapons and shields for lower leveled characters

7、Return of Winterfest - Pocket Legends’ X-Mas celebration returns  with new vanity drops and store items

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