《第九大陆》:"The Awakening"更新12月27日火热上线 宣传视频先睹为快

2012-12-19 3400

Webzen宣布,12月27日,游戏《第九大陆》(《Continent of the Ninth Seal》)(C9)将发布第二个主要的内容更新资料片"The Awakening",与此同时还将会有一个新的大陆"Sarad - The Blooming Desert"升级等级上限。

Jihun Lee,全球发行的领导坦言:“新版本里面,我们努力来为玩家创造最新颖刺激的挑战。”他还说道:“我们希望玩家可以对我们的更新保持热情,他会带给你不一样的体验!”。来看宣传视频:最新最全的热门游戏 ,全球最大的游戏下载中文网站,尽在专业玩家网!

Webzen has announced that the second major content expansion for Continent of the Ninth Seal (C9). "The Awakening" will be released on December 27th and will feature a new continent, "Sarad - The Blooming Desert" as well as a level cap increase.
Jihun Lee, Head of Global Publishing, said, “We have contributed effort to offer new challenges for the players with the new expansion.” He also said, “We hope players gain as much pleasure from the various events that we have prepared together with the updates.”

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