《Dynasty of the Magi》:电子书与MMO结合火爆登陆iTunes网 宣传视频曝光

2012-12-19 3178

更新:《Dynasty of the Magi 》的官网现在已经在移动设备iTunes网上上线,快来试试吧!

我们接到PoetCode正在做的一个有趣的新项目的消息。这可以让玩家们进行一个交互式阅读。来看看宣传视频,了解一下大家对《Dynasty of the Magi 》都是什么印象。

UPDATE: The official Dynasty of the Magi site has gone live and the app is now available on iTunes for free. Give it a try!
We have received word of an intriguing new project being undertaken by PoetCode. The idea is to bring an interactive reading and gaming experience to players. According to what we've read, events occurring within the MMO will have a direct impact on the Dynasty of the Magi eBook series.

免责声明:部分内容转自其他媒体,转载目的在于为游戏工作室传递更多信息,如因作品内容、版权和其他问题请 联系客服