《江湖》:圣诞活动抓捕小狗送礼物啦 宣传视频曝光

2012-12-20 3410

《江湖》(《Runescape》)开发团队宣布将会举办一个2012年圣诞活动 "A Stray in a Manger"。这个任务将会要求玩家们帮助圣诞老人围攻抓捕流浪狗来帮助送出宠物礼物。这些活动结束后,玩家们可以饲养其中一只小狗并获得一个特别的狗屋作为回报!快来看看宣传视频吧!游戏工作室想要找到VPN代理及免费vpn代理可关注值得大家信赖的专业玩家网相关版块

RuneScape devs have announced the 2012 holiday event for players. Called "A Stray in a Manger", the quest arc charges players with assisting Santa' Snow Imp in rounding up stray dogs to help deliver pet presents. After the event concludes, players will be able to adopt one of the strays and earn a special kennel for their effort.

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