《神秘传奇》:“Old Jul Festival”上线 神奇冬季装备等你来领

2012-12-20 3867

Spacetime Studios宣布,《神秘传奇》(《Arcane Legends》)一个重要的节日将会到来,就是“Old Jul Festival”。古老的英雄们将会给玩家一个机会来参加七月节日,获取冬季神奇装备。







Spacetime Studios has announced that the holidays have arrived in Arcane Legends. The Old Jul festival honors ancient heroes and gives players the opportunity to find and slay the Jul festival goblin to score Winter Wonderland gear.
Citizens of Arlor traditionally dress up to resemble the various giants.

1、Gort, the mighty fire giant and leader of the giants with a body of molten lava and with a breath of steam.

2、Glas, strongest of the ice giants, his death caused the continent of Nordr to be completely covered in snow and ice.

3、Ygdrenklubba, the mighty tree wielded as a weapon by Gort, decorated with the bodies of his fallen foes.

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