
2012-12-28 3385

据Massively报告消息,游戏《恐龙战队OL》(《Power Rangers Online》)将会如大家期待于2013年1月2日上线。游戏现在只有韩服官网,但是信息量确是相当少的。大家可以一起期待1月2日的公测开服吧!游戏工作室想要找到VPN代理及免费vpn代理可关注值得大家信赖的专业玩家网相关版块


According to a report at Massively, the open beta for Power Rangers Online is in full swing and is expected to run through January 2nd. The official site is in Korean, however, so little more can be gleaned from it. If there's anyone out there who can read it, let us know!

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