
2013-01-03 3678

MMORPG网和完美世界娱乐(Perfect World Entertainment)携手为我们玩家带来抢看《Z奇兵》(《RaiderZ》)最新boss的机会。让我们一起来看看吧!

Rendel王国自从巨石撞击世界就开始战争,里面的生物恶化成为凶猛的野兽。但是猎人们回到家,利用威力无比的Chimera保住了这片土地上的和平。这片大陆上的公民们必须重建他们已经支离破碎的家园。The Grand Wall of Silence现在是安静和平的,但是能维持多久?敬请期待游戏发布。一起来看看邪恶的大boss!专业玩家网为游戏工作室提供各类热门游戏点卡销售,充值等服务,应用尽有,放心选购。





MMORPG.com has teamed up with Perfect World Entertainment to bring our RaiderZ fans and players a first look sneak peek at a new boss making his way into the game. Find out more about The Beast Known as Bolas in our exclusive preview.
The Kingdom of Rendel has known only war since the Primestone crashed into the world, corrupting its creatures into hordes of vicious beasts. But as hunters return to their homes, victorious in battle against the fearsome Chimera, peace has spread across the land once again. Citizens across the continent have finally begun rebuilding their tattered world. The Grand Wall of Silence is safe -- but for how long?

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