玩家开心上演《Farcry 3》“真人版”海盗绑架 抢眼视频曝光

2013-01-07 3332

Klaus和Squirrel演绎了Ubisoft的《Farcry 3》里的海盗绑架事件,呵呵,虽然有些不和谐。无论如何,除了演技不怎么样,貌似看着海盗不怎么有机会绑架成功。

Klaus和Squirrel登上了一座岛屿,携带了大量的毒品,枪支和其他在游戏《Farcry 3》里第一章的设置物品。当然,请继续关注他们的“真人版”的进程。一起来看看吧!专业玩家网为游戏工作室提供最新的网络游戏排行榜,最新网络游戏大全等

Klaus & Squirrel take on kidnapping pirates in Ubisoft’s Farcry 3 with some of the most uncooperative co-op ever.  Somehow, despite their usual antics, it seems like the pirates may not stand a chance.

Watch Klaus and Squirrel take on an island full of drugs, pirates, guns and other dangers in their first episode of Farcry 3 gameplay.  And, as always, check back soon for more episodes of the duo’s adventures.

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