MMORPG网直播本周报道大量游戏进展 公开时间表

2013-01-08 3617

MMORPG网直播频道本周将向大家献上一场MMO盛宴,从《火炬之光2》(《Torchlight 2》)到《巫师学院101》(《Wizard101》)再到《指环王OL》(《Lord of the Rings Online》)。一起来看看直播的列表,关注你喜欢的游戏,不要错过哦!

Mike (Kelethar)



星期三-《火炬之光2》(《Torchlight 2》))

星期四-《泰拉瑞亚》(《Terraria》)的所有播出时间都是3-6 pm EST。

Franklin (主讲Sarcan)

星期二-《神秘世界》(《TSW》)7-10 EST

星期五-《指环王OL》(《Lord of the Rings Online》)7-10 EST

星期六-《龙与地下城》(《Dungeons and Dragons Online》)的iGc公会运行制度8-10 EST

星期日-《巫师学院101》(《Wizard101》)和《海盗101》(《Pirate101》)12-3 EST

Rob (Grakulen)

星期三-《卡米洛黑暗时代》(《Dark Age Of Camelot》)和《Mythic》9:30至11:30 EST

星期六-《指环王OL》(《Lord of the Rings Online》)10:00至11:59 (或更晚一些) EST

The live stream team has a boatload of fun live MMO action to share with our readers this week. We'll be streaming everything from Torchlight 2 to Wizard101 to Lord of the Rings Online. Check out the schedule below and then head to the Live Stream Channel at the appointed hour! See you there.

Mike (Kelethar)
Mon - Rift
Tue -  TSW
Wed - Torchlight 2
Thu - Terraria All times are 3-6 pm EST.

Franklin (Chief Sarcan)
Tue 7-10 EST TSW
Fri  7-10 EST LOTRO
Sat  8-10 EST DDO for iGc Guild Run
Sun 12-3 EST Wizard101/Pirate101

Rob (Grakulen)
Wed    DAoC with Mythic 9:30 to 11:30 EST
Sat      LotRO 10:00 to 11:59 (or later) EST

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