《魔法人生》:游戏已经上线北美iTunes 预告片上线

2013-01-21 3076

对于手机动作RPG来说,肯定都想像《魔法人生》(《Life is Magic》)。这个最新的游戏已经在北美的iTunes上面发布了,同样,你在安卓市场上也可以下载到它。自从计划实行以来,游戏实行了大量更新,包括“城市聊天室”,在这里,你可以找到和你同城的玩家。一起来看看游戏预告片吧!最新最全的 国外游戏下载相关资讯、经验、信息,运营状况, 最新客户端下载尽在专业玩家网

Those looking for a mobile action RPG will want to check out Life is Magic. The new game has been released to iTunes in North America and is also available in the Android Marketplace. Since deployment, the game has received substantial updates including "city chat" with players in the same city as your character.

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