《毁灭》:最新火神史密斯隆重登场 宣传视频曝光

2013-01-31 3223

Hi-Rez Studios准备再添一名新神到万神殿里。今天的视频里,玩家们可以找到很多火神史密斯的资料。这个视频展现了一些在神话背后的故事,玩家们可以先睹火神技能风采。接下来几天里大家有望在游戏中见到火神!一起来看看吧!最新最全的热门游戏 ,全球最大的游戏下载中文网站,尽在专业玩家网!

Hi-Rez Studios is ready to reveal the next god to be added to the SMITE pantheon. In this introductory video, players can find out more about Vulcan, Smith of the Gods. The video reveals a bit of lore behind the mythology as well as gives players a sneak peek at Vulcan's skills and abilities. Vulcan is expected to show up in game later this week.

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