《荒野星球》预告片: Mechari种族非普通机器人 玩家可随心定制喜欢的机器人外形

2013-02-28 3099

荒野星球预告片: Mechari种族非普通机器人  玩家可随心定制喜欢的机器人外形

我们继续看一下从《荒野星球》制作室Carbine Studios发布的消息中已知的几个种族。今天就给Mechari种族的众多粉丝带来更精彩的花边新闻!专业玩家网专注游戏工作室赚钱项目攻略!


在Dominion的所有种族了, Mechari种族与 Eldan种族关系最密切。是Eldan创造了 Mechari ,这就是为什么他们一直铭记最初的约定的原因。《荒野星球》的创意总监Chad Moore将给我们讲述Mechari种族的故事及他们有趣的历史。


整个故事围绕着这个最了解Nexus星球历史谜团的玩家进行。对于想更打入游戏更高关卡的人来说,或许Mechari 种族起着不容小觑的作用。对于一个种族而言,把族人打造称完美的战士或猎人并非那么容易,他们的神秘之处正是Chad工作的兴趣来源。




Of all the races in the Dominion the Mechari have a very close connection to the Eldan. It was the Eldan who made the Mechari which is why they never give out their date of origin.  Chad Moore, Wildstar’s Lore Guru, had a lot to say about the Mechari and their interesting past.

The Mechari were created by the Eldan to serve as soldiers and workers. If anything they hold the most secrets of any race heading to planet Nexus. Because the Eldan had left their legacy to the Cassians and the Mechari remain long after the Eldan had gone this union is an easy one to put together. In any sci-fi game a robot race is almost needed and Chad agrees that the Mechari bring an interesting angle to the Dominion.

The story that surrounds them really brings a player closest to the ancient mysteries of Nexus. For players who like to go deeper into the lore of the game perhaps the Mechari will make a strong choice. As a race they are very tough making them perfect warriors or stalkers. But it is the mystery of their creation that Chad really enjoys working on.

In terms of their alliance to the Dominion the relationship still does remain shaky at best. In the Dominion, the Draken being so brutal and savage along with the Mechari being more precise and focused all working with the Cassians does make for a very interesting relationship.

One of the best aspects that Wildstar can do with this race is customization. Being able to design the look of your robot will be truly important so lets hope some great options are there for players. Of all the races in the Dominion, this one definitely holds interest for me. Let’s see what the Mechari have in store as we get closer to launch.

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