《重生OL》:二月更新发布 游戏新增人工智能系统等更多内容

2013-03-02 1624

《重生OL》:二月更新发布  游戏新增人工智能系统等更多内容



《重生》网站每月更新一次。小组的报告中表示这次的发展重点领域是战斗,精良制作和人工智能系统。人工智能已得到审批。非玩家角色可以寻找掩护,可以跪倒,也可以在必要时调整战位。我们还增加了潜水技能来协助NPC,还增加了额外的物种供他们使用。我们增加了一个新的植绒NPC 人工智能型的兽群和人类。NPC现在可以扫射,冲刺,远距离作战。最重要的是,我们增加了可视威胁防御系统。他们可以在战斗过程中随时改变,可以让NPC根据不同的标准选择目标,如仇恨,接近或随机变量。我们有一些额外的人工智能系统正在研究,本月,我们离成功又更近了一步。专业玩家比价器为您提供各款游戏比价器,让您购买到最便宜的游戏币。专业玩家网还提供暗黑破坏神3、地下城与勇士等主流游戏的实时交易行情报表供您查询!


The Repopulation : February Update Released

The Repopulation's site has been updated with the monthly update. This time, the team reports that the emphasis for development was in the areas of combat, crafting and AI.
Artificial Intelligence also received a pass. Ranged NPCs will can now seek cover, kneel, or adjust position when they feel necessary. We also added improved dive and roll support to NPCs, and added additional species who can use them. We added a new flocking NPC AI type for herd or social animals. NPCs can now strafe, sprint, and fight from longer distances than was previously the case. Last but not least, we added variable threat detection systems which can change during battles allowing NPCs to select their targets based on different criteria such as Aggro, Proximity or Randomly. We have a number of additional AI improvements on the table, but we took a step in the right direction this month.

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