《魔兽世界》:雷电之王即将来到 5.2补丁大型副本“雷电王座”预告

2013-03-05 3490

《魔兽世界》:雷电之王即将来到   5.2补丁大型副本“雷电王座”预告



随着5.2补丁发布:雷霆王座,将在Townlong Steppes海岸开拓一个新的岛屿,并添加新的每日任务,罕见的鱼卵,summonable老板,隐藏的宝物等等……参加这些日常任务将导致最后一个魔谷帝,雷神,赞达拉,和那些将阻止他们的Shado-pan和Shado-pan的英雄们的大对决。专业玩家网强大的网络资源平台,为您推荐满意的游戏代练,网络游戏代练,游戏代练赚钱,游戏代练公司。



首先第一件事情,你开始是怎么得到的岛屿?在90级时,玩家会在永恒的万花谷得到他们的第一个任务,在那里他们将自动获得任务“雷霆召唤”或者你可以直接到Townlong Steppes中的Shado-Pan Garrison开始。从那里你就开始上路了。在这可不像在公园里散步,飞行时似乎是最简单的方法来得到你需要的,但这绝对没那么容易。该岛上不可以飞行,因为那样会正好落入敌对势力的圈套。你首次飞到岛上的时候,Shado-pan Garrison 和Alliance 或 Horde之间的门会开启,这样你就可以迅速回去。



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部落和联盟会服从于一些熟悉的面孔,因为他们用自己的方式通过小岛。每个派别最好的就是出其不意的猛攻:吉安娜·普罗德摩尔带领的Kirin-Tor Offensive和洛瑟玛·塞隆带领的Sunreaver Onslaught。得到的信誉与这些新的派别让英雄有机会获得新的徽章,旗帜和一个令人生畏的新装备。








World of Warcraft : Isle of Thunder preview

The World of Warcraft community site has been updated with a new preview of the forthcoming Isle of Thunder quest hub location.

With the release of patch 5.2: The Throne of Thunder, a new island will open up off the coast of Townlong Steppes and add a bounty of new daily quests, rare spawns, summonable bosses, hidden treasures, and more.. Taking part in these daily quests will lead up to an epic showdown between the last emperor of the mogu, Lei Shen, the Zandalari, and those who would stop them – the Shado-pan and the heroes of Shado-pan

Where do we go from Here?

First things first, how do you get to the island to begin with? At level 90, players will get their first quest in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms where they’ll automatically get the quest “Thunder Calls” or you can go directly to the Shado-Pan Garrison in Townlong Steppes to get started. From there you’re on your way. This isn’t a walk in the park and while flying seems like the easiest way to get where you need to, these are definitely not friendly skies. Flying won’t be available on the island as much as the invading forces would like it to be. A portal between the Shado-pan Garrison and the Alliance or Horde quest hubs will be available after your initial flight to the island so that you can get back into the action quickly.

Once More Unto the Breach

Similar to the War Effort with Ahn’Qiraj or the Isle of Quel’Danas, the effort of the overall realm population’s participation and activity will affect the progression toward unlocking the various stages of the Isle of Thunder as you and your allies push further into the island. You’ll be able to contribute by taking part in the daily quests that are made available at various points of interest on the island. Once established on the beach head, you’ll also have a choice between PvE or PvP oriented quests. (Warning, choosing the PvP option will flag you for PvP automatically.) Each will provide slightly different rewards and faction with your chosen allies. If you’ve missed unlocking a section of the island, don’t panic. You’ll still be able to experience the story by taking part in the solo Scenarios that will be available as you progress through the island.

Who’s the Boss?

The Horde and the Alliance will be working for some familiar faces as they make their way through the island. Each faction's finest are spearheading the assault: the Kirin-Tor Offensive led by Jaina Proudmoore and the Sunreaver Onslaught led by Lor'themar Theron. Earning reputation with these new factions offers heroes the opportunity to gain new tabards, banners and an intimidating new mount.

We don’t want to give everything away here, but the island holds many secrets and opportunities to test your mettle. Your realm and your faction are counting on you to take the island by force and stamp out this new threat. Can you survive the trials of the Isle of Thunder? The Thunder King comes, the Thunder King comes...

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