《魔法学院101》:KingsIsle公司呕心沥血的作品 整个团队为游戏尽心尽力

2013-03-07 1484

《魔法学院101》:KingsIsle公司呕心沥血的作品  整个团队为游戏尽心尽力






Wizard101 : Tending the Flock

Community is the name of the game in today's MMO space and no one does it better than the team from KingsIsle. In today's column, we take a look at just one way the Wizard101 community is celebrated. Check it out!

The point truly is that KingsIsle has invested a lot of energy and time in its community managers and those community managers have taken their jobs very seriously when it comes to making sure that players feel welcome, needed and valued. It doesn’t take a very long look at the Wizard101 site to see how much the team works to keep the community engaged both in and out of the game.

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