《无冬之夜》官方新视频发布 不死族 精彩抢先看

2013-03-08 2816

《无冬之夜》官方发布新视频   不死族  食尸鬼  精彩抢先看




Neverwinter : The Undead Army Marches

Perfect World Entertainment and Cryptic Studios have released a new video featuring Valindra Shadowmantle's undead army that will march into Neverwinter's closed beta event that will kick off on Friday, March 8th. Thousands more players will be joining the event that will also feature the introduction of the Control Wizard.

New Zones, Level 40
Players can now test their combat skills up to a new level cap of 40 and in new zones, such as the burial grounds of Ebon Downs or the fortified monastery of Helm's Hold. For those skilled enough to reach the Lair of the Mad Dragon, there's an epic fight with... well, one can guess.

Play Foundry Content
The Foundry, a powerful and easy-to-use content creation tool, allows users to create, share and play their own quests and campaigns directly in the persistent game world. In Beta Weekend Two, players can access more adventures created by other gamers. Visit a well-informed Bar Maid, like the one in Driftwood Tavern, or check out one of the many Job Boards scattered throughout the city of Neverwinter to see the community's first pass at Foundry content.

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