《激战2》3月又有新内容更新 The Razing 带你疯狂这个春季

2013-03-12 3938

《激战2》3月又有新内容更新   The Razing 带你疯狂这个春季

在过去的两个月里,犹如一场暴风雨席卷激战2。ArenaNet 推出最新 Living Story 功能,谱写了激战2史诗般永无止境的故事。下一新功能The Razing也即将到来,必将温暖这个冰天雪地的北方世界,你,准备好了吗?


我非常喜欢Living Story ,The Razing 的即将面世更令我目不暇接。来自Dredge 和 Flame Legion 的侵袭也愈发咄咄逼人。两名新英雄,Graham和Rox也加入战斗,他们将发动战争一起来抵御侵略军的攻击。专业玩家网最新网游频道提供海量的最新网络游戏资讯、2013最新网游测试表、好玩的新游戏评测、新网游图片及视频等内容。与最新网络游戏官方共同打造权威游戏玩家互动平台。






Guild Wars 2 Column: March Madness

Over the past two months a storm has been brewing in Guild Wars 2.   ArenaNet has launched the new Living Story feature to tell an epic never ending tale. The next installment is just around the corner with The Razing. Things are heating up in the snowy north, but will we be ready?

I’m really getting into this Living Story.  The announcement of The Razing has me really pumped.  The attacks from the Dredge and the Flame Legion are getting more aggressive. Two new heroes are stepping up to the threat. A Norn named Graham, and a Charr named Rox will assist players as they launch a counterattack against the threatening alliance.

With new important NPC characters being introduced into the story line, I have a feeling we are going to see much larger dynamic events take place.

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