《坦克世界》同时在线玩家达190541位 创下新的吉尼斯世界记录

2013-03-13 3673

《坦克世界》同时在线玩家达190541位   创造新的吉尼斯世界记录

Wargaming公司日前宣布,1月21号时,俄服《坦克世界》创下了一项新的吉尼斯世界记录——同时在线玩家最多,在单一俄国服务器上同时在线玩家达到19 0541位。专业玩家网是专业提供免费的网络游戏赚钱项目,分享玩游戏赚钱方法,提供现在有什么游戏好玩可以赚钱。



“这堪称Wargaming公司最重要且最令人激动的里程碑,”Wargaming公司全球业务的副总Andrei Yarantsau说,“这给了我们极大地鼓励,我们会继续努力,不断的推陈出新,做好当下和未来的每一项工作。如果《坦克世界》玩家数量以此速度持续增长的话,这项游戏将能够再创新高,突破另一世界记录。”


World of Tanks : New Concurrent User Record Set

Wargaming has announced that Russian World of Tanks players have set a new Guinness World Record for the most concurrent online players. On January 21st, 190,541 players were logged into a single Russian server.

“It’s an important and exciting milestone for the company,” said Andrei Yarantsau, VP of Global Operations at Wargaming. “It inspires us to greater efforts in polishing and refining all aspects of our present and future projects. If World of Tanks keeps growing at the rate it is, the game will soon top the current total and secure another world record.”

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