《星际迷航OL》:“罗慕伦的遗产”新增版块5月21日正式上线 预告片曝光

2013-03-22 3406

《星际迷航》是由Perpetual Entertainment公司开发的游戏,游戏背景设置在2409年,玩家做为船长,将体验从船的装备与定制系统及人员招募,训练船员成为一个精英部队的过程。 Cryptic工作室和完美世界宣布《星际迷航》自上线以来的最新扩展内容将在5月21日与玩家见面。叫做“罗慕伦的遗产”。新的版块好、将罗慕伦人塑造成一个具有可玩性的角色,就同游戏中其他角色一样。除此之外,玩家还有机会担当Warbird Class的船长。专业玩家网比价器是美服和欧服魔兽世界金币领域最专业的比价网站,向游戏工作室提供最及时准确的魔兽世界金币WOWGold出货价格及出货方式查询,游戏收货商家信誉查询,风险查询。

Star Trek Online : Legacy of Romulus Expansion Coming May 21st

Cryptic Studios and Perfect World Entertainment have announced that the largest content expansion for Star Trek Online since release will be headed to players on May 21st. Called "Legacy of Romulus", the expansion will enable the Romulan playable faction in the game along with much more.

This will be the largest Star Trek Online expansion since launch and will feature the Romulans as a playable faction for the first time ever. In addition to the new Romulan Republic faction, players will have a chance to take command of mighty Warbird Class starships. Denise Crosby also returns to reprise her role as Empress Sela for die-hard Trekkies

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