Gazillion Entertainment公布《惊奇英雄OL》官方发布时间 PVP将同期发布

2013-03-23 3246

《惊奇英雄OL》是欧美研发商Gazillion开发的由迪斯尼旗下Marvel漫画公司授权的超级英雄题材网游。游戏以成人为主要目标用户,游戏中将加入Marvel旗下的著名角色包括雷神托尔、美国队长、蜘蛛侠、金刚狼、绿巨人、钢铁侠等等。Gazillion Entertainment宣布了《惊奇英雄OL》的官方上市日期。初始者5月28日就可以开始游戏,其他玩家则要等到6月3日。另外制作团队还宣布PVP和终极游戏BOSS也会同步发布。专业玩家比价器为您提供各款游戏比价器,让您购买到最便宜的游戏币。专业玩家网还提供暗黑破坏神3、地下城与勇士等主流游戏的实时交易行情报表供您查询!


Marvel Heroes : Release Date Announced & PvP at Launch

Gazillion Entertainment has announced the official release date for Marvel Heroes Online. Founders will have access to the game beginning May 28th, with all others getting into the game on June 3rd.

In addition, the team announced that PvP will be included at launch as well as End Game Boss runs similar to those players experienced during the seminal days of Diablo 2.

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