《女王之刃》公测时间发布 两周在线总时间大百万小时 划下新的里程碑

2013-03-28 3955

《女王之刃》是韩国网游公司LivePlex开发的一款3D性感风格MMORPG,游戏中的角色全部基于具有独特特色的女性。Aeria Games宣布这一纯女性大型多人在线网游已官方发布进入公测时间。据开发团队所说,两周内,玩家创建了30多万个角色,登录在线总时间达一百万小时。

“这可谓是Aeria史上最伟大的一次里程碑,”Aeria Games的创始人兼CEO Lan Hoang 说。“女王之刃的成功是证明公司自2006年成立以来所付出的努力的最好证明。游戏独特的视觉效应和最顶级的PVP作战功能吸引了众多的玩家,这也敦促我们为可预见的美好未来随时努力着。


Scarlet Blade : Open Beta Launches

Aeria Games has announced that its female only M-rated MMO, Scarlet Blade, has officially launched into open beta status. According to the dev team, closed beta players created over 300,000 characters and logged a collective total of one million hours of game play during the two week event.

“This is a great milestone for Aeria,” said Lan Hoang, founder and CEO of Aeria Games. “Scarlet Blade’s success is a perfect example of how far the company has come since we began in 2006. The combination of the game’s unique visual style and cutting-edge PvP features has already created a massive fan base, and this is now poised to be our most popular title for the foreseeable future.”

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