《无尽的任务》:新补丁“恐惧阴影”上线 更多任务等你挑战!

2013-04-18 3310



•一个神秘莫测的Shissar城,Chelsith Reborn等待玩家探索
•到Plane of Shadow约会从未见过的女神,露卡琳!
•在Chelsith Reborn和Plane of Shadow可以发现新的收集物品
•抵挡Plane of Shadow中的内容可获新成就奖

EverQuest : Shadow of Fear Game Update Goes Live

As part of the events leading up to the fourteenth anniversary of EverQuest, the team has released the lasted game update. Called "Shadow of Fear", the patch features two new zones, raid content, new spells, and new quests and missions.

Shadow of Fear Features

•A mysterious Shissar city, Chelsith Reborn, is available for exploration.
•Travel to the Plane of Shadow to confront the never-before-seen goddess, Luclin!
•New Spells, Alternate Abilities (AA's) and items for all classes
•New collections can be found in Chelsith Reborn and the Plane of Shadow.
•New missions, raids, and quests are available to challenge even the most powerful adventurers.
•New achievements are rewarded for tackling the content found in Shadow of Fear.

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