吉尼斯“最火爆的 MMORPG 游戏”《RuneScape》今年冬天将发行移动平台版本

2013-05-10 3204

Jagex宣布旗下曾被吉尼斯认证为全球“最火爆的 MMORPG 游戏”《RuneScape》将在今年冬天发行移动平台版本。在近日接受福布斯杂志的一次采访中,Jagex 公司首席执行官 Mark Gerhard  也确认了《RuneScape 3》将登陆移动平台这一消息。两人均表示智能手机和平板等新兴设备是游戏生态圈中的中坚力量,它们与传统设备在很多方面都有着紧密联系,这也是进行游戏移植的先决条件。除了移动平台,Mark Gerhard 表示未来该系列还计划登陆智能电视。专业玩家游戏比价器是游戏比价领域最专业的比价搜索类网站,致力于为广大游戏工作室的虚拟交易护航。提供游戏技术资讯,骗子查询,B2C商城等服务。


Runescape : Coming to Tablets and Possibly Consoles

Jagex has announced that RuneScape will be making its debut for tablet gaming possibly as soon as winter 2013. In an interview with IGN, Mark Gerhard also indicated that the venerated game might also make the transition to consoles.

 "Ultimately, you’ve got to go where you think the ball’s going to be, rather than chasing after it. Sometimes that means you have to make decisions without necessarily having all the data to say that it’s the right call, or that you can do it."

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