《战争雷霆》今年寒假将登录PS4平台 首支全新预告片发布

2013-05-15 2100


 “我们相信这次与索尼的合作不仅能够使得我们的《战争雷霆》更好的经营,还能让我们的玩家感受到一种全新的游戏体验席卷大脑”Gaijin娱乐公司的创意总监Kirill Yudintsev说。“从我们开始与PC平台合作吸引来的150万玩家的巨大成功开始,到我们最近宣布的《战争雷霆》将登陆移动设备的计划,与索尼的合作是可谓是《战争雷霆》发展的必然,现在我们非常高兴的宣布《战争雷霆》将引领下一代PS4平台游戏!”专业玩家网比价器是美服和欧服魔兽世界金币领域最专业的比价网站,向游戏工作室提供最及时准确的魔兽世界金币WOWGold出货价格及出货方式查询,游戏收货商家信誉查询,风险查询。

War Thunder : Coming to PS4 In Time for the Holidays

Gaijin Entertainment has announced that War Thunder is headed to PlayStation 4 in time for the winter holidays. Gaijin is currently working to optimize War Thunder for the PS4 to take advantage of its next gen features.

 “We're convinced that our cooperation with Sony will not only make the War Thunder franchise better, but it will give our fans a new level of gaming experience that will figuratively blown their mind,” said Gaijin Entertainment’s Creative Director Kirill Yudintsev. “Partnering with Sony Computer Entertainment is the most natural progression for the War Thunder brand, from our hugely successful beginnings on PC with more than 1.5 million players, to our recent announcement that War Thunder is under development for mobile devices. We are excited to bring War Thunder to the leading next-generation platform, the PS4.” 

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