《无尽的任务下》8月2日重磅推出 细节内容届时将在索尼娱乐在线活动(SOE Live)中揭晓

2013-05-22 2891

索尼娱乐在线宣布今年的SOE live事件将呈现给大家《无尽的任务下》的一首资料。主题演讲之后,粉丝将有机会通过开发团队的介绍对游戏有个更深入的了解。

8月2日,周五,参加SOE Live的人将共同见证备受玩家期待的《无尽的任务下》的揭幕!在主题演讲期间,研发部主任Dave Georgeson 和《无尽的任务下》团队成了第一批首次看到游戏特性和开发计划的人。在开幕演讲之后,SOE Live持证人可以向开发者询问问题以便对游戏有更深入的了解。


不论你是无尽的任务的长期狂热粉丝还是只是对其下一个重大更新感到好奇,都不要错过这次绝佳的机会。SOE Live是为所有业内人士提供最新咨询的唯一途径,现在就去注册一个账号吧!专业玩家网最新网游频道提供海量的最新网络游戏资讯、2013最新网游测试表、好玩的新游戏评测、新网游图片及视频等内容。与最新网络游戏官方共同打造权威游戏玩家互动平台。

EverQuest : EQN Details to Be Revealed at SOE Live 2013

Sony Online Entertainment has announced that this year's SOE Live event will feature the first information about EverQuest Next. After the keynote address, fans will have the opportunity to learn much more about the game via several panels featuring the development team.

On Friday, August 2nd, attendees at SOE Live will witness the unveiling of the highly anticipated EverQuest Next! Be among the first to see game features and development plans during a keynote address by Director of Development Dave Georgeson and members of the EverQuest Next team. Following the keynote, SOE Live passholders will be able to ask questions and learn more in-depth information from the developers during a number of panels.

Whether you're a long-time EverQuest enthusiast or just curious about the next big thing in gaming, don't miss this exciting chance to get your first look at EverQuest Next. SOE Live is the only place for all the insider information, so register today!

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