美服《反抗军》曝光新视频 介绍游戏中最新事件Plague Event

2013-06-04 3197

Trion Worlds近日发布了一段最新视频,向《反抗军》玩家们介绍了游戏中的最新瘟疫事件。这个神奇的如瘟疫般的疾病已经开始漫向旧金山,在火烧眉毛之前玩家一定要尽力阻止瘟疫。关于这个瘟疫事件,还将在Syfy电视台具体介绍。专业玩家网游戏交易平台,真诚为广大游戏玩家提供各种游戏点卡、帐号、装备、游戏币等服务信息,支持寄售交易、担保交易、在线快充等交易形式,游戏交易就来专业玩家网。

Defiance : New Video Spotlights Plague Event

Trion Worlds has released a new video to introduce Defiance players to the latest in-game event. A mysterious plague-like disease has made its way to San Francisco and it is up to players to stop it before it reaches critical mass. The event is mirrored in the Syfy television show of the same name.

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