《荒野星球》工作室总监Jeremy Gaffney接受韩媒采访视频

2013-06-20 2391

在今年的E3游戏展offsite活动中,荒野星球Carbine工作室总监Jeremy Gaffney接受了几家韩媒的访谈。下面是访谈视频节选。专业玩家网最新网游频道提供海量的最新网络游戏资讯、2013最新网游测试表、好玩的新游戏评测、新网游图片及视频等内容。与最新网络游戏官方共同打造权威游戏玩家互动平台。

WildStar : Korean Press Presentation with Jeremy Gaffney

At an offsite event during this year's E3, Carbine Studios' Jeremy Gaffney unveiled WildStar to select members of the Korean press community, and we were there to tape the whole thing and hear what the Gaffer has in store for the game and its upcoming launch. NOTE: Presentation has pauses for Korean translations.

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