《激战2》新的主题活动“泰瑞亚的天空大盗”6.25上线 新内容新体验

2013-06-21 2307

ArenaNet日前宣布《激战2》新主题活动:泰瑞亚的天空大盗(Sky Pirates of Tyria)将于6月25日正式上线,届时将带来新的故事线、新的地牢、新任务、新的物品、新的技能特性!专业玩家网游戏交易平台,真诚为广大游戏玩家提供各种游戏点卡、帐号、装备、游戏币等服务信息,支持寄售交易、担保交易、在线快充等交易形式,游戏交易就来专业玩家网。



【新的地牢】:Aetherblade Retreat——寻找进入Aetherblade Retreat最隐秘的入口与海盗对抗。你需要准备技能、勇气和灵敏的动作去与以太刀锋的船长和大副战斗!

【悲伤之海寻宝游戏 】:在这个全新的永久内容中,玩家将跟随Cobiah Marriner的脚步。狮子拱门已经设立了12个标志区来纪念这个城市的历史和他的创始人。你可以在悲伤之海中找到这些标志区的线索。完成这个寻宝小游戏可以获得5个技能点。

【奖励】:追踪以太刀锋的藏宝箱 - 6月25日到7月9日




Guild Wars 2 : Sky Pirates of Tyria Announced

ArenaNet has announced the next Guild Wars 2 content update. Called "Sky Pirates of Tyria", the new content will bring more additions to the Living Story, a new dungeon, new quests, and the news that custom arenas and spectator mode will be entering the live game. Sky Pirates of Tyria is expected to go live on June 25th.

Details of the update include:

New Story Dungeon: Aetherblade Retreat – Find the hidden entrance to the Aetherblade base and take the fight to the pirates. It’ll take skill, courage, and no small measure of agility to battle through to the Aetherblade Captain and First Mate.

Sea of Sorrows Scavenger Hunt – In this new, permanent content, players search for clues to the locations of 12 plaques that have been set up to honor the history of the city and its founder, in the novel Sea of Sorrows by our very own Ree Soesbee, narrative designer, ArenaNet, hitting store shelves and Amazon on Tuesday, June 25.

New Rewards – A variety of new rewards are available, including Aetherblade caches, a First Mate Horrik miniature companion, a stylish monocle and more.

Skill and Trait Balance Update – The largest balance patch ever is being introduced in this build, which includes significant updates to traits and skills to introduce more viable build diversity. Every profession trait line is seeing changes.  Updates also have been made to some less popular skills to improve their effectiveness.

Custom Arenas and Spectator Mode leaves Beta – Custom PvP arenas allow players to host private matches, and customize their map settings. This feature is leaving beta, which means that Custom Arena Starter Kits will be available for anyone to purchase in the Gem Store. Spectator Mode also is officially out of beta. Together, these two features allow for practice, competitive play and tournaments.

Mortar Mastery Joins the Growing List of World vs. World Abilities – Players can increase their mortar effectiveness by training in Mortar Mastery. Improvements in this line include increasing mortar blast radius, beefing up on damage, reducing skill recharge, and even adding a new skill, Mortar Barrage.

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