DOFUS:Krosmaster Arena游戏将售出80美元/ 64英镑

2013-08-20 1929

DOFUS在Kickstarter上大获成功后,英文版本的Krosmaster 桌游和收藏雕像现在来到了美国和英国。最好最全面的游戏项目请看专业玩家网游戏工作室论坛!

Krosmaster Arena是3D卡牌战棋网页游戏, 它为玩家提供了在激烈战斗中挑战其他人的机会。所有玩家根据预先确定的方法建立自己的团队,要么是一个点系统, 选派,要么是随机选择。利用你的团队的各种天赋和能力,创建强大的战斗力量。每一个角色都有附加点值以维持平衡。游戏结合3D画面,让玩家利用英雄不同的攻击技能,搭配巧妙的战术运用来获得胜利。2013年游戏工作室项目从何入手,专业玩家网是你最佳的选,最值得收藏的网站!

Krosmaster还配有8个资料篇,每个包含4个雕像和他们的迷你地图,它可以作为独立的迷你游戏或桌面游戏 。

Krosmaster Arena游戏将售出80美元/ 64英镑,其中包括:


8个  预先画好的任务形象与相应的卡片



12个-1/+1 行动点标记

12个-1/+1 运动点标记

50个受伤令牌(26 x 1 s,12 x 2 s,12 x 5 s)

60个恶魔奖励令牌( 一级20个:花岗岩、玉石和黄金)







Krosmaster boardgame and figurines now available in ...

2013-08-16 18:00

Following a successful campaign on Kickstarter, the English version of the Krosmaster boardgame and collectible figurines are now coming to the US and UK.

Krosmaster Arena is a Player vs Player-oriented board game that offers the craftiest tacticians among you the chance to challenge other players in heated battle. All players build their team using a pre-determined method, either a point system, draft, or at random. Utilize your team's various talents and abilities to create a powerful fighting force. Every figure has a point value attached to it to help balance things out. Only those who are able to create a strong, yet versatile, strategy will prevail!

Well, Krosmaster also comes with 8 expansion packs, each containing 4 figurines and their mini maps, which can be played as stand-alone mini games, or with the boardgame.

Krosmaster Arena board game will be sold 80 USD / 64,99 GBP for the box containing:

1 double-sided game board

8 pre-painted character figures with corresponding cards

15 "Gallons of Glory" tokens

24 summoning tokens (Bombs, Dolls, Creatures and Traps)

12 -1/+1 Action Point tokens

12 -1/+1 Movement Point tokens

50 Injury tokens (26x 1s, 12x 2s, 12x 5s)

60 Demonic Reward tokens (twenty of each level: Granite, Jade and Gold)

4 Crates, 8 Shrubs and 8 Trees

8 custom dice

1 32-page rulebook



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